So why blog? Because I love to write and to be honest, I have a lot to say. I like to think that if I could, I would write a book called “The Dummies Guide to Post Grad Life” because in the past few months, I have pretty much seen it all. From getting a call from my student loan provider at 8:30 AM to pay them over $10,000 (yeah, talk about an “oh $#*t” moment) to walking past a crime scene in West Philadelphia to get to an interview. All the horror stories you hear about post grad life? Yeah, they are true, and if you’re one of the lucky ones (like me), you’ll get to experience them all for yourself.
But don’t worry, it get’s better. Much better. Your bank account resurrects, your pride bounces back after all those “we regret to inform you” e-mails, and you learn to appreciate being in bed by 11:00 PM and a productive lunch hour. Do I miss “thirsty Thursdays,” $1 pizza slices, and bar crawling 5 nights a week? Hell yes! And anyone who says they don’t, are liars...or still doing it...or crazy. But after a few months of separation anxiety, FOMO (fear of missing out), and a major lifestyle adjustment, I have come to love my post grad life as a young professional working in the field of event marketing.
So grab your drink of choice and let’s see where post grad takes us.
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